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Junk Explained: Who Is ‘Gorilla Glue Girl’ & Exactly Why Is The Whole World Now Watching Her Every Go?

Junk Explained: Who Is ‘Gorilla Glue Girl’ & Exactly Why Is The Whole World Now Watching Her Every Go?

Gorilla Glue woman used super glue rather of hairspray per month ago, and her locks is stuck from the time.

You know just how hard it is to get off if you’ve ever accidentally gotten super glue on your skin, or even worse, your hair. Now imagine you sprayed your head that is entire with glue since you went away from hairspray?

Sadly, this is exactly what took place to Tessica Brown, that has since been dubbed ‘Gorilla Glue Girl’ after she made the mistake that is fateful and today the whole world is quite committed to her journey.

Gorilla Glue may be the Tiger King of 2021

Just How Did Gorilla Glue Woman Go Into This Example?

After running away from Got2B Glued hairspray, a favorite freeze blast spray, Tessica Brown, a 40-year-old Louisiana woman, shared they would have the same effects that she grabbed Gorilla Glue spray, a moisture-resistant clear, permanent-bond adhesive, in its place thinking.

Nevertheless, as soon as she realised her blunder, Brown made a decision to share her issue with TikTok on Thursday, which horrified the 18 million those who have since watched her movie in the platform.

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